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Superintendent's Award

The Superintendent's Award recognizes students who possess one or more of the following characteristics:

  • pursue their own learning goals with agency to adapt, grow and thrive;
  • are a deep, critical thinker, an effective communicator, inclusive collaborator, inspired creator, global contributor, and a resilient learner;
  • positively contribute to our rapidly changing world;
  • show innovation and seek out challenges while working in collaborative teams to deepen understanding and solve complex problems; and
  • are joyous, engaged learners;

and staff who possess one or more of the following characteristics:

  • (in addition to the above for STUDENTS) works with passion and feels a strong connection to the school and District;
  • engages students in learner-centered practices;
  • is loyal, productive and committed to ensure the continuous high performance and success of the school and District; and
  • takes pride in and ownership of their work.

Six Award Celebrations are scheduled for the 2024-25 school year (all Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm):

Middle School and Feeder Schools Date of Celebration Venue
Kennedy, Lincoln, Montclaire, Stevens Creek October 2, 2024 Stevens Creek GLC
Lawson, Collins, Eaton, Garden Gate November 13, 2024 Eaton MPR
Alternative Schools - Faria, McAuliffe, Muir, Murdock-Portal January 15, 2025 Murdock-Portal MPR
Miller, Blue Hills, Dilworth February 12, 2025 Blue Hills GLC
CMS,  Nimitz, Stocklmeir, West Valley March 5, 2025 Nimitz GLC
Hyde, De Vargas, Eisenhower, Sedgwick April 2, 2025 Sedgwick GLC