Measure H Bond Program
On June 5, 2012, voters residing within the Cupertino Union School District passed Measure H. Measure H is a $220 million bond measure that authorizes funding for needed repairs, upgrades, and new construction projects to the District’s schools. Proposition 39 required a 55% supermajority for approval; Measure H was passed by 66.16%.
The scope of the facilities repairs and upgrades, under this Measure, fall in seven major categories:
- Fix leaky roofs
- Upgrade earthquake and fire safety systems
- Remove potentially hazardous materials from old school structures
- Keep schools clean and well-maintained
- Update science labs, computers and educational technology, so our students are prepared for the 21st-century
- Accommodate student growth by providing additional classrooms
- Growth Accommodation
- Code, Health, and Safety
- Classrooms
- Envelope (Integrity of Building Exteriors – Paint, Doors, Locks, etc.)
- Site Work (Infrastructure and Play Surfaces)
- Support Facilities (Non-Classroom Buildings)
- District Wide Improvements (Technology Infrastructure, Equipment, etc.)
Measure h bond program website