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Budget Advisory Committee

The Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) is a diverse group of CUSD educational partners made up of staff, associations, foundations, parent leadership, and community members. The Committee also serves as a task force as needed to address specific District budget processes, goals, and priorities.

The Budget Advisory Committee has three primary areas of focus:

  1. Advocacy/Communication
  2. Revenue Enhancement
  3. Equity. 

The Budget Advisory Committee meets three to four times during the school year, often in coordination with the budget calendar and various duties as assigned by the District Superintendent.

Please visit the District's Financial Reports for any of the current or previous fiscal years.

Anyone interested is welcome to join. Selection criteria includes those that express the desire to work collaboratively with others, participate in all meetings, and make recommendations for the benefit of all students. We look for participation from across our community in order to garner input that reflects a range of viewpoints and perspectives. Even though there are no term limits, we ask members to commit to serving one school year or more.

If you are interested in joining the Committee, please contact the District's Business Services Department at 408-252-3000, extension, 61-423.