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District Transition Advisory

The purpose of the District Transition Advisory Committee is to advise the District on communication, community engagement, and logistics for schools affected by school closure and consolidation. 

The committee will:

  • Evaluate current processes

  • Support the identification of additional needs

  • Provide guidance to ensure consistency across affected schools

In making recommendations and providing guidance to ensure consistency, the Advisory Team shall consider the following for all affected sites: (1) communication needs, (2) educational partner engagement and community building needs, (3) family, student and staff social-emotional needs, and (4) systems and processes to support equity and inclusion.

Members were selected through an application process. Members selected met one or more of the following criteria:

  • Parent from closed/consolidated/receiving schools

  • Principal from closed/consolidated/receiving schools

  • District Leadership from the Community Engagement, Communication, Maintenance/Operation, Human Resource, or Educational Services Department 

  • Classified employees selected from closed/consolidated/receiving schools

  • Certificated employees selected from closed/consolidated/receiving schools 

  • 2021-2022 Committee Members 

Meeting Dates and Resources