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Measure A Parcel Tax Citizens' Oversight Committee

One element of the voter approved parcel tax was to voluntarily implement an independent Citizens' Oversight Committee. The purpose of this committee is to provide oversight and accountability to ensure the expenditures funded by the parcel tax are spent in a manner consistent with provisions of the voter approved measure. The committee meets annually to certify District expenditures and generate an annual report to the community.  

Specifically, funds are used to:

  • Protect outstanding core academic programs in reading, writing, math and science
  • Retain highly qualified teachers
  • Keep schools safe, clean and well-maintained
  • Keep libraries up-to-date and retain music and art programs
  • Provide updated classroom technology for a 21st-Century education

All members are Board approved and serve a term of two years and no more than three consecutive terms. The committee meets one to two times a year, most often in October or November.  

Parcel Tax Measure A ended on June 30, 2023.