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Human Growth and Development

The California Healthy Youth Act requires that comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education be provided to students at least once in middle school or junior high school and once in high school, starting in grade 7. Per the California Healthy Youth Act, instruction must be medically accurate, age‐appropriate and inclusive of all students, and must encourage students to communicate with parents, guardians or other trusted adults about human sexuality.

Cupertino Union School District schools will be providing comprehensive sexual health education to 5th and 7th grade. Prior to this instruction, parents/guardians will be invited to attend or view a live or recorded webinar to learn about the curriculum.

The webinar content will include:

  • Learn what your child will be taught and view the curriculum
  • Understand how lessons connect to the California Healthy Youth Act 
  • Learn tools for supporting your child’s learning at home


State law allows parents/guardians to remove (opt-out) their student from this instruction, either selected lessons or the entire program. Students who are not participating in this instruction will complete an alternate set of lessons. 

Nick Prychodko

Principal Hyde Middle School 

(HGD Lead Administrator)

408-252-6290 extension 84-110

Updates for 2024-2025