The aim of Cupertino Union School District is to develop our young mathematicians to become powerful users of mathematics, sparked by their innate curiosity and wonder about the world. We strive to ensure that all of our learners build strong critical thinking, communication, collaboration, problem solving, and reasoning skills that are built on a deep understanding of numbers. Our learners make use of a variety of tools and practices to support their ability to problem solve in powerful ways, as they travel through our grade levels.
Mathematics instruction in Cupertino Union School District is guided by the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. This includes a combination of content standards as well as the standards for mathematical practices.
Marie Crawford, Director, Instructional Leadership and Intervention
408-252-3000 extension 61-150
Instructional Materials
Grade TK Stepping Stones, Origo*
Grades K-5 Go Math CA, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, © 2014 6 year adoption (Adopted March 10, 2015)
Grades 6, 7, 8 College Preparatory Math, CPM Education Program © 2013 8 year adoption (Adopted March10, 2015)
Grade 6 Core Connections, Course 1
Grade 7 Core Connections, Course 2
Grade 8 Core Connections Course 3
As appropriate: Core Connections Algebra 1 or Core Connections Geometry
*TK utilizes supplemental curriculum
Math Placement Process
We use multiple assessment measures to place students in appropriate middle school math courses. Your child's math placement assessments will include:
- Multiple adaptive, diagnostic assessments (iReady), administered multiple times throughout the year.
- A standards-based assessment in Synergy to be administered in the month of March
- In addition to this, your child's first semester grades will be taken into account for math placement
If your child meets the criteria for an accelerated course, s/he will be placed in the corresponding course.
Middle School Math Courses & Placement
6th Grade Math Course
- 6th Grade Common Core Math, with a portion of 7th grade standards and optional extension work provided for future advanced coursework in 7th grade
- Students will have the opportunity to fill any gaps that may have occurred over time
Textbooks: CPM Core Connections 1 (Selected lessons from Chapters 1- 9) & CPM Core Connections 2 (Selected lessons from Chapters 1 - 5)
Topics Taught: Patterns, Multiple Representations Portions Web (fraction, percent, decimal), Probability, Arithmetic Strategies, Area, Perimeter, Integers, Variables and Ratios, Multiplying Fractions and Area, Division, Building Expressions, Rates and Operations, Statistics and Multiplication Equations, Volume, Percents, Fractions and Integer Addition, Problem Solving.
7th Grade Math Courses
There are three courses offered for 7th-Grade students; all students will engage in personalized learning designed to fill gaps and/or extend learning beyond the course topics.
7th Grade Common Core Math (MA7CC)
Textbooks: CPM Core Connections 2 (Chapters 1 - 9)
Topics Taught: Introduction to Probability, Fraction and Integer Addition, Arithmetic Properties, Proportions and Expression, Multiple Representations Web (graph, table, equation), Probability, Solving Word Problems, Solving Inequalities and Equations, Proportions, Percent, Statistics, Angle Relationships, Circles, Volume
7th Grade Accelerated Courses
7th Grade Common Core MATH7+ (INCLUDES 8th grade standards)
Textbooks: CPM Core Connections 2 (Selected lessons from Chapters 6 - 9) & CPM Core Connections 3 (Selected lessons from Chapters 1 - 10)
Topics Taught: Problem Solving, Simplifying with Variables, Solving Inequalities and Equations, Graphs and Equations, Multiple Representations Web (graph, table, equation), Systems of Equations, Proportions and Percent, Statistics, Angle Relationships, Circles and Volume, Transformations and Similarity, Slope and Association, Exponents and Functions, Angles and the Pythagorean Theorem, Surface Area and Volume.
Placement Criteria for Math 7+
Measure | Placement Criteria for Math 7+ |
iReady Diagnostic |
Scale Score range: 520-547 |
7th Grade Readiness Test | Spring Test Administration (March 10-21); Score range: 73.3% or higher |
Teacher Verification | Based on proficient in-class work and personalized learning course work (playlists, iReady 'My Path' and/or other personalized work) |
*Students must receive a course grade of C+ or higher in the first semester of the school year to be considered for Math 7+ placement.
Algebra 1 Common Core Math (MA7AC), - High School Level Course **
Textbooks: CPM Core Connections 3 (Selected lessons from Chapters 7-10) & CPM Core Connections Algebra (Lessons from Chapters 1-11)
Topics: Slope and Association, Exponents and Functions, Angles and the Pythagorean Theorem, Surface Area and Volume, Functions, Linear Representations, Simplifying and Solving Equations, Systems of Equations, Sequences, Modeling Two-Variable Data, Exponential Functions, Quadratic Functions, Solving Quadratics and Inequalities, Solving Complex Equations, Functions and Data
Placement Criteria for Math 7/8 Algebra
Measure | Placement Criteria for Math 7/8 Algebra |
iReady Diagnostic |
Scale Score range: 548 or greater |
Algebra Readiness Test | Spring Test Administration (March 10-21); Score range: 83.3% or higher |
Teacher Verification | Based on proficient in-class work and personalized learning course work (playlists, iReady 'My Path' and/or other personalized work) |
*Students must receive a course grade of B+ or higher in the first semester of the school year to be considered for Math 7/8 Algebra placement.
**Please note that high school level courses must receive a C- or better to be considered a passing grade. If students receive anything below a C- the course will not count towards high school graduation and must be taken again.
8th Grade Math Courses
There are three courses offered 8th-grade students; all students will engage in personalized learning designed to fill gaps and extend learning beyond the course topics.
8th Grade Common Core Math (MA8CC)
Textbook: CPM Core Connections 3 (Chapters 1-10)
Topics: Problem Solving, Simplifying with Variables, Graphs and Equations, Multiple Representations, Systems of Equations, Transformations and Similarity, Slope and Association, Exponents and Functions, Angles and the Pythagorean Theorem, Surface Area and Volume
8th Grade Accelerated Courses
Algebra 1 Common Core Math (MA8AC)- High School Level Course**
Textbooks: CPM Core Connections 3 (Selected lessons from Chapters 7 and 9) * & CPM Core Connections Algebra (Lessons from Chapters 1-11)
Topics: Slope and Association, Angles and the Pythagorean Theorem (*CC3 topics phased out in 2021, will be covered in Math 7+), Functions, Linear Representations, Simplifying and Solving Equations, Systems of Equations, Sequences, Modeling Two-Variable Data, Exponential Functions, Quadratic Functions, Solving Quadratics and Inequalities, Solving Complex Equations, Functions and Data
Placement Criteria for Math 8/Algebra
Measure | Placement Criteria for 8/Algebra |
iReady Diagnostic |
Scale Score range: 535 or higher |
Algebra Readiness Test |
Spring Test Administration (March 10-21); Score range: 73.3% or higher for Math 7+ students; 80% or higher for Math 7 students |
Teacher Verification | Based on proficient in-class work and personalized learning course work (playlists, iReady 'My Path' and/or other personalized work) |
* Students from Math 7+ must receive a course grade of C or higher in the first semester of the school year to be considered for Math 8/Algebra placement. Students from Math 7 must receive a course grade of B+ or higher in the first semester of the school year to be considered for Math 8/Algebra placement.
**Please note that high school level courses must receive a C- or better to be considered a passing grade. If students receive anything below a C- the course will not count towards high school graduation and must be taken again.
Geometry Common Core Math (MAAGC)- High School Level Course**
Textbook: CPM Core Connections Geometry (Chapters 1- 12)
Prerequisite: Students must complete a year long Algebra course at a CUSD School or Similar LEA. The expectation is that Geometry students are proficient in Algebra skills as they will continue to be utilized; in particular, simplifying expressions, solving equations and systems of equations, writing linear equations, and factoring quadratics.
Topics: Shapes and Transformations, Angles and Measurements, Justification and Similarity, Trigonometry and Probability, Completing the Triangle, Congruent Triangles, Proof and Quadrilaterals, Polygons and Circles, Solids and Constructions, Circles and Conditional Probability, Solids and Circles, Conics and Closure
Please note: Placement into Geometry requires the completion of Algebra at CUSD or a comparable Local Education Agency (LEA).
Placement Criteria for Geometry
Measure | Placement Criteria for Geometry |
Pre-requisite Course (required) | Math 7/8 Algebra with passing grade of C or higher |
iReady Diagnostic |
Scale Score range: 558 or higher |
Geometry Readiness Test | Spring Test Administration (March 10-21); Score range: 80% or higher |
Teacher Verification | Based on proficient in-class work and personalized learning course work (playlists, iReady 'My Path' and/or other personalized work) |
* Students must receive a course grade of C or higher in the first semester in Algebra to be considered for Geometry.
**Please note that high school level courses must receive a C- or better to be considered a passing grade. If students receive anything below a C- the course will not count towards high school graduation and must be taken again.
CUSD 2022-23 Math Placement FAQs
- How can I find the i-Ready scale score for my child’s most recent diagnostic assessment?
- How much does i-Ready factor into math placement?
- Are there additional assessments available to determine math placement?
- How can my child accelerate their learning and improve their i-Ready score?
How can I find the i-Ready scale score for my child’s most recent diagnostic assessment?
How much does i-Ready factor into math placement?
The i-Ready diagnostic is one of multiple measures that will be used to determine final math placement for the fall. It is a very useful tool to help determine if your child is ready for a more accelerated path. However, in-class performance is also taken into consideration. If a child receives a C-, D, or F in their current course, i-Ready scores will not be used to determine a more accelerated path. Conversely, if your child is doing well in their current math course, i-Ready scores will not be used to determine placement in a less accelerated course (with the exception of 7/8 Algebra). It will be important to fill gaps in learning that are identified by the i-Ready diagnostic test, so that your child can thrive in mathematics, regardless of the course placement.
Are there additional assessments available to determine math placement?
Yes, we are administering a standards based assessment for current 6th and 7th grade students. These assessments are based on core readiness skills for courses outlined in the section above.
- All 6th graders will take the 7th grade readiness assessment. For students who interested in being considered for placement in Math 7-8 Algebra, they can opt in to take the Algebra readiness test. This test is ideal for students who have a passing grade in Math 6 Flex, strong performance on the 7th grade readiness test and i-Ready diagnostic.
- In 7th grade, all 7+ students will take the Algebra Readiness test. For Math 7 students who interested in being considered for placement in Math 8 Algebra, they can opt in to take the Algebra readiness test. This test is ideal for students who have a strong performance in class and an interest in taking Algebra in 8th grade. The students in 7-8 Algebra will take the Geometry readiness test. All assessments will factor into final math placement.
How can my child accelerate their learning and improve their i-Ready score?
We encourage students to complete lessons in the MyPath Instructional Platform for at least 40 minutes a week to fill in gaps and/or to learn skills beyond their current math course if they desire a more accelerated pathway.
If you have further questions, please contact Marie Crawford at Thank you.