Social Emotional Learning
Researchers now know that helping children to develop their social-emotional skills improves their mental health, relationships, and learning outcomes. Cupertino Union School District (CUSD) includes a social-emotional learning (SEL) component in every classroom, in every school in the district. Social-emotional learning curricula aim to help children develop competency in five core areas: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, and responsible decision-making. In the simplest terms, SEL is about understanding and respecting yourself and others — and it forms a strong foundation for social, academic, and vocational success.
In CUSD, we value the role social emotional learning (SEL) plays in supporting our students to become more connected in their school community and beyond. Building the skills of empathy, collaboration, communication, problem solving and more help students develop the strong habits of mind and leadership abilities that are called out in our Portrait of a CUSD Learner.
District approved Instructional materials include Second Step, Kimochis and Project Cornerstone lessons.
Laurel Henderson, Director, Instructional Leadership & Intervention
408-252-3000 extension 61-167