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EL Reclassification

Reclassification is the process of changing an English Learner’s Program status from English Learner (EL) to Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP). EL students shall be reclassified as RFEP when they are able to comprehend, speak, read, and write English. They must also be able to access instruction in the general education program and make academic progress at a level substantially equivalent to that of students of the same age or whose primary language is English.

Reclassification Criteria for Elementary School Students

  • ELPAC - Overall proficiency level 4
  • CAASPP or iReady - Meets or exceeds standard
  • Writing Assessment - At or near grade level benchmarks
  • Teacher Input - Based on classroom assessments
  • Parent/Guardian Notification

Reclassification Criteria for Middle School Students

  • ELPAC - Overall proficiency Level 4
  • CAASPP or iReady - Meets or exceeds standards
  • Writing Assessment - At or near grade level benchmarks
  • Teacher Input - Grades of C and above on ELA classroom assessments
  • Parent/Guardian Notification


Criteria for Special Education Students taking the Alternative ELPAC, K-8th

  • Alternative ELPAC - Overall proficiency level of 3
  • California Alternative Assessment (CAA) - Overall proficiency level of 2
  • Teacher Input - Based on classroom assessments
  • Parent/Guardian Notification

Criteria for Special Education Students, K-8th

Reclassification for Special Education students can also take place during the IEP process. The IEP team considers the linguistic and academic goals and objectives in a student’s IEP and current English Language Proficiency levels to determine if a student is eligible for reclassification. The IEP team, including parents, utilizes a reclassification worksheet to support the process and to make a determination.