English Language Instruction
Elementary School
Designated ELD Instruction
Purpose: To develop English skills necessary to access content area classes and develop fluency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing
Time: 30 minutes, daily
Materials: Systematic ELD
Additionally, novice English Learners may use Benchmark Hello as a supplemental instructional material to build beginning language skills.
Middle School
Structured English Immersion
Purpose: To provide English Language Arts to English Learners at Beginning and Early Intermediate levels using strategies to help make content accessible and develop English fluency.
Students: For students at beginning and early Intermediate level in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Materials: Read 180
ELD 1 Course
Purpose: To develop English language fluency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing; to develop the language necessary to access content area classes.
Students: For students at beginning and early Intermediate level in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Materials: Read 180 and Language Launch
ELD 2 and 3 Course
Purpose: To accelerate English learner’s acquisition of academic language proficiency to enable them to participate fully in all courses and meet Common Core Standards.
Students: For students at Intermediate and Early Advanced level in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Materials: Read 180 and English 3D