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Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P)

Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) Guide

The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for after-school and summer school enrichment programs for students in Transitional Kindergarten through sixth grade. The ELO-P was established by Assembly Bill (AB) 130, Chapter 44, Statutes of 2021, as amended by AB 167, Chapter 252, Statutes of 2021. Funding for the program is provided by the state of California, per the Budget Act of 2021.

All children will progress, learn, and thrive when provided with engaging learning experiences and environments during and beyond the school day.

Support each child in meeting grade-level academic benchmarks and foster a sense of connection and belonging at school.

Provide extended learning time for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) through Grade 6 English Learners, Low-Income Students, and Foster Youth to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

The program aim to create a supportive and enriching learning environment that empowers students to excel academically, socially, and emotionally, in alignment with the broader goals of the CUSD Strategic Plan. 

Alignment with CUSD Strategic Plan Beliefs:

  1. Recognizing that students learn at different paces and in different ways.

  2. Acknowledging that academics are just one aspect of a child's success in school and life.

  3. Emphasizing the importance of collaboration between families, communities, and schools for student success and community well-being.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Collaborative partnerships
  • Continuous quality improvement
  • Program management
  • Sustainability

Expanded Learning: Before school, after school, summer, or intersession programs focusing on academic, social, emotional, and physical development through engaging experience, enrichment, play, nutrition and other activities that engage students. 

ELO-P: The intention is to provide enrichment opportunities for students.