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Program Information

Program Duration:

  • 210 days (180 instructional days and 30 non-instructional days for Intersession)


  • At students' home school 

Hours of Operation:

  • 3 hours on regular school days

  • 9 hours on non-school days (Intersession)

  • 4.25 hours on early release days

School Days (In-person):

  • Before and/or after school (combination)

  • Total of at least Nine hours (core day + expanded learning hours)

Snacks/Meals Provision:

  • Daily snacks are provided as part of ELO-P. This offering ensures that students have access to nutritious snacks during program hours to support their well-being and focus on learning.

Accommodation must be made for pupils with disabilities. 

  • Under Federal and State law publicly-funded programs cannot discriminate against pupils based on disability. In individual situations, a pupil with a disability may need accommodations to meaningfully access an ELO-program.  If your child with an IEP or 504 will attend ELO-P and you have questions about access, please reach out to your case manager.