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Instructional Technology

The integration of technology into education is a vital part of preparing our students to be successful in high school, college, and beyond.

Seamless technology integration views the use of tools and applications like any other instructional material. When used effectively it has the potential to increase engagement, give students agency in the learning process, personalize learning, and increase efficiency and productivity. Additionally, technology provides a wonderful environment to practice the 5 C’s: creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration and citizenship. These skills are critical for being successful later on in life. 

Our vision for the use of technology is as follows:

Technology will be utilized for explicit teaching and learning purposes. It will be woven into the daily schedule and used appropriately by students and staff. Every student will have access to technology and will use it to answer big questions, collaborate with each other, create projects, and share their learning in multiple ways. 

  • All students will have choice in how they make their thinking and learning visible
  • All students will participate as respectful and appropriate digital citizens in the community
  • All students will engage in learning through the phases of consuming, creating, curating, and connecting
  • CUSD will provide equitable access to technology

Chris Izor, Director, Instructional Technology
408-252-300 extension 61-117