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Technology Tools

Technology has been a part of the elementary and middle school classrooms for decades (think radio programs in the 70’s, television and video in the 80’s, computer labs in the 90’s, and device carts in the 2000’s). The integration of technology into learning has become more a “need to use” rather than a “nice to have.”

Over time our schools have increased access to technology in the classroom. Primary technology access is either in the form of iPads or Chromebooks. Both tools allow for students to access our district adopted digital curriculums, instructional support tools, and support access to educational research. To fully realize our vision for truly integrated educational technology, we continue to grow our capacity to use these tools for other purpose as well like the creation of presentations, design and makers education, video creation, and coding. 

Software and Student Apps

We use Google Workspace for Education, which is becoming a crucial aspect of learning during the day. This suite provides students with access to productivity tools like Google Docs, Sheets,  and Presentations. Many teachers have students using Google Apps to research, write, create presentations, use spreadsheets, and more.  

In addition to Google tools, CUSD has licensed software for additional assessment and learning supports. Other district provided digital learning solutions include Seesaw, iReady, Imagine Learning, Literably, Newsela, Pear Deck, Raz-Kids, Epic and others. We utilize a single sign on process through Google Education accounts in partnership with Clever.

Each teacher may choose different tools to use depending on what they are teaching.  We have an established a vetting process for different sites and applications to ensure they have sound instructional goals and will keep your child safe.  Each site needs to abide by FERPACOPPACIPA federal laws as well as EC 49073.1. All sites and applications requiring student logins must have a Student Data Privacy agreement.

If you wish your child to opt out of using one of the online tools, please discuss with your child's classroom teacher.   

fanned out multi-color lines with Seesaw written underneath
multicolor cube with i-Ready written underneath
cpm logo

Middle school math textbook

Login: Use Clever

iReady Logon

Online assessment and instruction that provides a path to proficiency and growth in mathematics

Login: Use Clever

Santa Clara County Library Logon

Access to articles, encyclopedias, eBooks, eAudiobooks, primary sources, comics, movies, music, online tutors, resources, and more

Login: username = S + Student Perm ID + CUSD (for example, S123456CUSD); Password is Birth month + 00 (for example, May = 0500)

Savvas Logon

Elevate Science on Savvas EasyBridge

Login: Use Clever