Student Support Services
Cupertino Union School District is committed to assist students and their families, along with the school team to address needs of all students. Student Support Services works with school sites staff and families to ensure that every student had equitable access to academic, social, and emotional resources that promote positive behaviors and improved outcomes.
The Student Services department supports the school sites in their efforts to provide safe, supportive learning environments for all students and staff. The Student Services department coordinates and/or is a resource for the following areas:
- Student Attendance
- Truancy Notifications
- School Attendance Review Board (SARB) Meetings
- Foster Youth
- McKinney Vento/Homeless
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Bullying Prevention
- School and District Safety Efforts, including Comprehensive School Safety Plans
- Student Support Plans
- Student Conduct and Discipline including Suspensions and Expulsions
- Supporting Foster and Homeless Youth (McKinney-Vento)
- Health Services (District Nurses)
- Mental Health Resources
- Crisis/Grief response
- Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)
- Section 504 Plans
- Board Policies and Administrative Regulations related to Student Services
Kari Ito, Director of Student Support Services
408-252-3000 extension 61-116
Amy Steele, Director of Student Support Services
408-252-3000 extension 61-198Barbara Duong, Staff Secretary
408-252-3000 extension 61-122
Zahra Sadeghi, Staff Secretary
408-252-3000 extension 61-120
Kimya Sharifi, Staff Secretary
408-252-3000 extension 61-126