Promotion/Acceleration and Retention
Cupertino Union School District recognizes that children learn, grow and develop along their own unique time tables. As outlined in the Strategic Plan, the District is committed to personalizing learning for each child and implementing strategies to address each student's unique needs. Classrooms typically include students with a range of interests and performance levels. We strive to ensure that each child develops a sense of belonging at school and feels academically supported and challenged in the classroom. To accomplish this, instruction targets the variety of ways that students learn and includes strategies for addressing academic deficiencies and providing opportunities to stretch beyond grade level standards when needed.
CUSD encourages families and school staff to work closely to address areas of need regarding student learning and to collaborate with creativity, flexibility and the whole child in mind. The Governing Board is committed to developing a district-wide multi-tiered system of supports to enable an evidence-based approach to meeting each child’s needs. Changing a child’s grade level is not an evidence-based intervention strategy and it is not the primary means of addressing areas of need in CUSD, although it may be appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
A student may be recommended for acceleration to the next grade or course at the discretion of the administration of the school/district. The student's academic achievement as well as the student's social and emotional growth shall be taken into consideration in making a determination to accelerate a student.
A student must have enrolled in and attended the appropriate district program for a minimum of 20 school days before acceleration can be requested. Please reach out to site administration for further information.
For students in special education, the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) defines the goals and objectives required for students. The IEP team shall help determine whether promotion/retention is appropriate given the student’s eligibility and needs. If a child has a 504 Plan, the 504 team shall help determine whether promotion/retention is appropriate given the student’s eligibility and needs.