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Surplus Property 7-11 Committee

In December 2021, the Cupertino Union School District began the process of convening a Surplus Property 7-11 Committee. The reason for the establishment of the Committee was to evaluate Meyerholz and Regnart Elementary School sites that would be closing at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. In addition, the District obtained title to the Montebello Property after the Montebello School District closed in 2009. Since acquired, the District has not used the Montebello Property to operate an education facility or for instruction. Therefore the three properties were the focus of this Committee. This Committee was established through an application process and Board approval. It went from January 2022 to June 2022. 

Role of the District Surplus Property 7-11 Committee:

  • Advise the governing board on the development of a District wide policy on the use or disposition of surplus property. (Education Code 17387)
  • Meetings are subject to the Brown Act and are open to the public.